Moving to LA? Get ready for sunshine, tacos, and adventures galore! It’s a whole different world, bursting with diverse neighborhoods, buzzing energy, and enough dreams to fill Hollywood. But before you trade your flip-flops for rollerblades, there are a few things to know. Think of it as your cheat sheet for a smooth landing.

Avoid Moving During Summer

Los Angeles in summer isn’t just about the scorching heat; it’s also about soaring rent prices. The city becomes a hotspot for visitors and temporary residents, driving up costs for everything from utilities to parking. For a more economical move, consider relocating during the cooler, off-season months between November and March.

Don’t Underestimate Parking Needs

Parking in Los Angeles can be a significant challenge. If your new place doesn’t come with a designated parking spot, prepare for a fair share of parking tickets, which can be pricey. It’s crucial to prioritize a residence with reliable and ideally free parking. Always be vigilant about street parking regulations, as they can vary daily.

Rethink Walking as a Primary Mode of Transport

While walking is great, Los Angeles’ sprawling nature makes it impractical for daily commutes. The city’s size and layout make driving or using taxi-like services such as Uber or Lyft more practical options for getting around.

Bicycles Aren’t the Best Transport Option

Los Angeles isn’t particularly bike-friendly, given its crowded streets and bustling traffic. Although huge improvements have been made and it is getting better, biking can be more of a recreational activity than a practical mode of transportation. Relying on a car or public transport is generally a better choice.

Consider Quitting Smoking

Los Angeles is not particularly smoker-friendly. With many public places, including parks and beaches, prohibiting smoking, it’s a habit that’s not only frowned upon but can also attract fines. For those moving to the city, it might be a good opportunity to quit.

Don’t Underestimate the Cost of Living:

Los Angeles can be expensive, from housing to dining out. Budget accordingly and be prepared for a higher cost of living compared to many other cities.

Don’t Expect to See Celebrities Everywhere

While LA is home to many stars, seeing them in your daily life isn’t as common as some might expect. Keep in mind that celebrities value their privacy. Don’t stare at the celebs, bother them, or ask for autographs. Only tourists do that, not locals.

Do Expect Traffic and Lots of it

Don’t get frustrated over the traffic. It’s as common as air. Get accustomed to traveling when traffic is lighter, leaving earlier/later to avoid the bulk of it. Traffic is just a part of the LA lifestyle. Traffic can be frustrating, but patience is key. Use this time to listen to audiobooks, podcasts, or relaxing music.

Secure a Job Before the Move

One crucial aspect to consider before relocating to Los Angeles is the city’s high cost of living. While Los Angeles offers a wealth of opportunities and experiences, it’s also known for its expensive housing market, higher utility costs, and overall elevated living expenses. Therefore, it’s highly advisable to secure a job before making the move. Having employment lined up can alleviate financial stress and provide stability in a city where economic demands can be challenging. This is particularly important for those moving without substantial savings or a financial safety net. Job hunting from afar can be daunting, but with the abundance of online resources, networking opportunities, and remote interviews, it’s increasingly feasible. Securing a steady income will not only ease your transition into the city but also ensure that you can fully enjoy all that Los Angeles has to offer without the looming worry of financial strain.

The Essentiality of Owning a Car in Los Angeles

One aspect of life in Los Angeles that newcomers quickly realize is the indispensable role of having a car. The city’s sprawling expanse and the significant distances between various neighborhoods make owning a vehicle almost a necessity. While public transportation exists, it often falls short in terms of convenience and coverage, especially when compared to other major cities. A car not only provides the flexibility to navigate across the vast city but also is vital for managing the daily commute, whether it’s for work, leisure, or exploring the diverse regions of LA. In a city known for its car culture, from the infamous traffic jams to the scenic drives along the Pacific Coast Highway, having your own set of wheels is key to experiencing Los Angeles to its fullest. This reliance on personal vehicles is something to consider seriously in your moving plans, as it influences everything from housing choices to daily routines.

Also don’t forget to read our post about Things to Know Before Moving to Los Angeles

Los Angeles requires a blend of preparation, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace the city’s unique rhythm. From the practicalities of securing a job and a car to understanding local culture and customs, each step is crucial in making your LA experience fulfilling and enjoyable. Remember, every city has its quirks, and Los Angeles is no exception.

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