Many people travel to Los Angeles from all over the world. Many also wonder which places to avoid in Los Angeles. This goes for locals and tourists.

In today’s world, crime throughout Los Angeles and even California has been front and center on the news. Daily we hear, read and even see (thanks to social media) about all the crime that occurs from robberies to shootings and fighting.

Areas to avoid when traveling to Los Angeles

Santa Monica Pier

santa monica pier

While many places online will praise Santa Monica Pier and even recommend it – I say avoid it. Sure it is nice looking and a popular tourist destination however, it is now full of homeless people and people who just try to scrape money out of tourists. Even if you avoid the pier I would also recommend avoiding the beach area near the pier as well. There are plenty of beautiful beaches close by that you can go to instead. If you really must go to Santa Monica Pier go early in the morning and leave long before Sunset.

3rd Street Promenade

3rd st promenade

What once used to be a fun and lively place to be is now full of trash and homelessness. 3rd Street Promenade is a few blocks above the Santa Monica Pier and was once a place you can go with family to walk around, visit some cool shops and grab some food. Now many of the original stores and shops have shut down and many of the shops are vacant. Why? Because no one wants to deal with all the issues happening such as homelessness, dirt and drugs.

Venice Beach

vince beach

Venice Beach is always looked at as one of the best tourists destinations for people traveling to Los Angeles, however, the locals of Los Angeles avoid Venice Beach. The place is full of cheap souvenire shops, homelessness and marijuana dispensaries. If none of these excite you then you should pass.

Downtown Los Angeles

Much effort has been put forward to clean and liven up Downtown Los Angeles. Many great restaurants, bars and clubs have opened however it is still full of homelessness, shady people and crime. Daylight time may be safe to visit if you must but once the sun sets avoid Downtown Los Angeles. Note that Downtown Los Angeles covers a large area and some areas are perfectly safe such as Crypto Arena and the many museums that are great to visit.

South Los Angeles or South Central

This area is full of drug trafficking and gang violence. Avoid if you can, plus for tourists there really is nothing to see or do in the area that makes it attractive.


While Hollywood is a main tourist attraction it is not the best place to be. While not as bad as other areas, Hollywood can get dangerous. If you are traveling with little kids I would definitely avoid Hollywood during the night time. If you are planning to go to a nice restaurant in Hollywood then driving through and eating is not an issue however avoid walking down the “famous” Hollywood Boulevard. There really is nothing famous about it and nothing to really see. It is full of souvenir shops and street performers. Sure it has some interesting museums such as Ripley’s Believe It or Not and the Wax Museum but beyond those and some nice restaurants there is not much else. During the day time it is safe however at night when all the clubs and lounges open, all the crazies come out so avoid the area at night. Plus Traffic on Hollywood Blvd. is insane.

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